- All employees recruited to NVS must go through a probationary period of 01 to 02 months depending on the job position and receive 85 – 90% of the actual salary. At the end of this time, your capacity and working status will be evaluated by the Department Head and Board of Directors to decide whether to sign an official contract or end the probationary period.
- The official labor contract will be signed with a minimum term of 06 (six) months or more and receive 100% salary. In addition, you will be paid social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance by the company in accordance with the law, and enjoy benefits, policies and allowances according to the company’s general policies.

Frequently asked questions

Equity capital market

Debt capital market

Mergers and acquisitions

Consulting on shareholder and investor relations


Stock trading

Bond Trading Depository at VSDC, resgistered for trading on HNX

Bond Trading Depository at NVS, not resgistered for trading on HNX

Margin trading