Instructions on securities depository

Securities depository instructions


Customers holding shareholder books/share certificates of public companies, before trading, need to deposit into an account opened at NVS. To deposit securities at NVS, Customers need to perform the following steps:


Step 1: Customer opens an account if he/she does not have an NVS securities trading account.


Step 2: Customers come directly to NVS to be supported in completing the depository procedures.


  • Customers need to prepare the following documents:
    • For individual customers: Original valid CCCD.
    • For institutional customers: Business registration certificate (notarized copy) and Citizen identification card (copy) of the legal representative, Letter of introduction and citizen identification card of the authorized person (if any)
  • Fill in the information on the ‘Securities deposit form’ (form 06A if the account information is correct – form 06B if the CCCD issuance date is different)
  • Provide shareholder book or certificate of share ownership (original)


Step 3: Receiving documents


  • In case the information matches the information registered by the issuer with VSD and matches the customer information at NVS, it will be confirmed on the securities deposit slip and sent to the customer 01 copy for storage.
  • In case the information does not match:
    • If the management information at NVS does not match → The customer changes the information at NVS
    • If the information at the issuer does not match → The customer please contact the issuer to adjust the information 

Step 4: After NVS completes the depository documents and VSD approves, the number of deposited securities will be credited to the Client’s account at NVS.


  • These securities are accounted for according to the type of securities the Client owns. The type of securities can be freely transferable, restricted transferable or pending transaction.
  • Normally, the time to complete the depository procedure is from 02-03 working days from the date NVS receives the complete and valid documents (excluding the time to adjust information – if any).


Support contact information

During the transaction, if you need support to answer information (from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday every week, except holidays and Tet), please contact hotline: 076 724 5999