Frequently asked questions

Equity capital market

Debt capital market

Mergers and acquisitions

Consulting on shareholder and investor relations


Stock trading

Bond Trading Depository at VSDC, resgistered for trading on HNX

Bond Trading Depository at NVS, not resgistered for trading on HNX

Margin trading

Advance payment for securities sales
Customers can go directly to Navibank Securities Joint Stock Company to receive advice and support for implementing this service.
To use NVS’s Margin Trading service, customers need to meet the following conditions:
- Have a Securities Account at NVS
- Sign and open the Margin Trading Contract according to NVS’s Form
- Accept the risks related to
You cannot do this.
To buy upcom stocks and stocks on the banned list of the Stock Exchange, please transfer money internally from the margin trading sub-account to the regular sub-account (the sub-account does not use borrowed money from the securities company).
- The overdue interest rate of a margin loan is: 150% of the loan interest rate within the term
- Loan term: 90 days
- Loan limit for a customer: Depends on the period announced by NVS
When registering to use this product, you will not be charged any registration fee for using the service. Only when a loan arises will the loan fee be charged.