Frequently asked questions

Equity capital market

Debt capital market

Mergers and acquisitions

Consulting on shareholder and investor relations


Stock trading

Bond Trading Depository at VSDC, resgistered for trading on HNX

Bond Trading Depository at NVS, not resgistered for trading on HNX

Margin trading

Advance payment for securities sales
NVS always welcomes senior students majoring in Securities, finance, banking, economics, commerce, foreign trade, foreign languages…, with excellent academic record to intern at the company. And if you’re qualified, you will be the first candidates in the next recruitment rounds.
You can send your internship application to the Administration- HR Department. Records include:
- Internship application form
- School recommendation letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Copy of student card
- Transcript certified by the school
- CV clearly stating personal abilities and work experience (if any)
- All employees recruited to NVS must go through a probationary period of 01 to 02 months depending on the job position and receive 85 – 90% of the actual salary. At the end of this time, your capacity and working status will be evaluated by the Department Head and Board of Directors to decide whether to sign an official contract or end the probationary period.
- The official labor contract will be signed with a minimum term of 06 (six) months or more and receive 100% salary. In addition, you will be paid social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance by the company in accordance with the law, and enjoy benefits, policies and allowances according to the company’s general policies.
Each NVS recruitment will be posted on the company’s website, Vietnamworks page. There are also a few other forms depending on the size and position of the recruitment.
To apply for recruitment at NVS, candidates please submit resumes directly at the company office or via email to the company’s recruitment department.
Application documents include the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae certified by the local government within the most recent 6 (six) months. Resume with photo attached.
- Notarized copy: Birth certificate, ID card/CCCD; Graduation diploma and other types of diplomas and certificates (if any).
- Health examination certificate within the past 6 (six) months;
- 02 (two) latest 4 x 6 photos
* For applications submitted via email, candidates please send complete documents in scanned format and send to email address: thuy.tran@nvs.vn (Ms. Thuy). The subject of the email should clearly state the position applied for.
* For applications submitted directly, candidates please submit them at the company office address:
Ms. Thuy –Administration & HR Department – Navibank Securities Joint Stock Company
6th Floor, Tower A, Handi Resco Building, 521 Kim Ma, Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
* Priority is given to candidates who submit applications early; NVS may end the recruitment before the deadline when a suitable candidate has been found.